Jan 22, 2018
It is so common that excellent research is rejected because the authors did not prepare correctly the manuscript! Very few come with a correct discussion, which is the most commonly read part of the paper, altogether with the abstract and the illustrations.
Scientific papers are published in order to be understood. Never forget that.
Jan 15, 2018
This study, though preliminary, shows that there is some correlation between a combination of imaging features (imaging phenotype) and genotype for the definition of aggressive disease. We need to be prepared for these analyses comprising multiple imaging traits because they may be helpful in the evlautaion of the prognosis, and therefore in making personalized decisions.
Jan 8, 2018
The authors have followed-up patients who received recurrent injections of Gadoxetate disodium. Iterative measurements of signal intensity in basal ganglia did not reveal any changes over time.
Jan 2, 2018
In this meta analysis, the authors point out the potential weaknesses of “anatomical MRI” for evaluating the response to treatment. Conversely, the found that the added value of spectroscopy was high.